James Brown the "Godfather Of Soul"
James Brown performing on stage during the 50th Anniversary Visual Art & Music International Festival held in Augusta, GA. in May of 2006 


Congrats!!!  T. Hill won & received 2 of the most Prestigious Awards, along with a Certificate Of Appreciation,  during the Visual Soul Ceremony.  The Ceremony was held in honor of all the World Renown Artist whom participated in creating & submitting various magnificent master piece's of diverse mediums for an international art competition to honor the "Godfather Of Soul."

Below: Awards received, as well as,  a gallery of Master Pieces created by T. Hill to honor the "Godfather Of Soul,"  etc.
Just "CLICK" onto any thumbnail picture in Site & the image shall enlarge & enhance

Above: 1).  The Hill's on stage with the "Godfather Of Soul" during his Final Live Anniversary performance

2).  Honorable Mayor Deke Copenhaver of Augusta, Ga.  Presenting T. Hill with 2 Awards - Mayor's "Best Of Show"  &  Mayor's Visual Soul "Best In Show",  along with a Certificate Of Appreciation.  

3).  T. Hill being interviewed by Ms. Deana Brown ( James Brown's daughter) on Magic 96.9 FM Radio Station,  explaining to her,  as well as,  the listening audience the passion & admiration involved in creating the art to honor her Dad,  & his unique technique.

       Special Feature

Limited Edition, One-Of-A-Kind, Custom Made Pocketbook


" Papa's Got A Brand New Bag " >

Lft. - T. Hill w/ James Brown's Companion, Tommi Rae Hynie
Rt. - picture tribute composition honoring Legendary James Brown, with Companion Tommi Rae, & their Son

Above Pictures Titled  1). Lft. -  "Friends Forever  2). Center- titled "Life Is Like A Puzzle...All The Pieces Come Together"

   3). Rt. - titled "King Of Soul"   

BelowPictures Titled  1). "Super Star"   2).  "I feeeeel Good"   3).  "Soul Brothers"  (of Ray Charles & the "Godfather Of Soul")

James Brown - (1933 - 2006) Celebrating the life & legacy of unequal achievements & unparallel success.  Amongst many given titles the one he aspired to the most was Daddy & Granddaddy!

Rt. - The Brown Family receiving an honorary doctorate for their Father.

Lft. - Other extremely talented Visual Artist whom participated in the James Brown Festival.

2).  Robert Lee Site: Under Construction

3).  Thomas Lockhart > Site: www.lockhartgallery.com  

Lft. - Talented Artist Wanda Dansereau was also apart of the James Brown Festival

Rt. - T. Hill w / Samantha Mckevie,  photojournalist with Augusta Chronicle,  featuring the "Passion picture" unveiled in Georgia for the 1st time